Best Countertop Water Dispensers Buying Guide

Water dispenser is an appliance, which runs by using electricity. The electricity is used to heat up the heating element and to run the cooling engine. A water dispenser is basically a tank which draws water from another tank .The main component of a hot and cold water dispenser is the heater , which has about 200 – 300 watts of power and is used to heat the water in the reservoir.

A countertop water dispenser eases many tasks and is used for a variety of purposes like for making tea, coffee, instant noodles or soup. The tabletop models are very convenient option for people having less counter space in their kitchen. There are numerous type of models available in market with different features. Best countertop water dispenser models (Check amazon or watercoolerpros  for full list of available countertop models) are those which come with the facility of dispensing both hot as well as cold water.


* The hot water dispenser functions like a kettle as it provides boiling water.

* The hot and cold water dispenser has a stainless steel body which prevents water from mixing with toxic substances.

* A hot and cold water dispenser does not require a huge maintenance cost except for making certain expenditures on changing filters at regular intervals.

* A hot and cold water dispenser is also good at saving operating cost as it has a shut-off button which allows turning the hot water switch off when not in use.


* Functioning of a hot and cold water dispenser is plain and simple and it offers a Grab and Go convenience factor.

* It takes up less space as compared to freestanding dispensers

* This type of dispenser is comparatively less expensive than full size dispenser

* It does not require huge maintenance cost.

* It is environment friendly as it does not cause wastage of resources.

* It is suitable for areas where there is adequate water supply.

* Water dispenser provides clean and safe drinking water.

* Buying a water dispenser is a non –recurring expense i.e.; it provides long term benefits.


* Though water dispensers do not require huge maintenance cost but they require regular cleaning because it catches dust very frequently.

* Re boiling of water again and again in the heater may be hazardous for health.

* Re filling of water bottle in bottled water dispenser may become a tedious job to perform.

* Usually they have less capacity as compared to freestanding models

* The countertop variants have less powerful motor as compared to the normal variants.

As it is clear from above that the advantages of having hot and cold water dispenser is more as compared to the disadvantages. So, owning one is a good option .A consumer has a variety of options to choose from various alternatives depending upon their budget and need.


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